ReadnQuiz does not have a staff of quiz-writers. We don’t have any deals with publishers to get their books into our collection. We don’t do textbooks or magazines. What we do have is a consensus of thousands of educators just like you, from all types of schools, who’ve made individual decisions about which books they want their students to read. That diversity and dedication has created a well-thought-out collection that is both very broad and very focused on the books your students will read.
This is the strength of ReadnQuiz and the secret to why it’s so inexpensive. Imagine one committed educator willing to put in the time to write a quiz for a book she wants in her school’s quiz collection. Now multiply that dedication to her students and willingness to share with the community by 55,000 and you have the ReadnQuiz collection.
All we do is provide the technology and platform to empower this amazing dynamic.
Since we can get questions from multiple sources for every book, we can have many more questions per book than any other quizzing programs have. This allows for retakes and cuts way down on the possibility of cheating since every quiz is unique.
Even educators make mistakes. We have a rigorous process in place to find and correct those mistakes.
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